We use only the safest cleaning products formulated specifically for animals.
Our experienced staff can administer medications, including those injected.
Boarding guests are fed individually and per their pet parents’ instructions.
We use only the safest cleaning products formulated specifically for use around animals.
We occupy 4,200 sq ft of indoor climate controlled space with HVAC filtration.
Our experienced staff can administer medications, including those that need to be injected.
Dogs are taken outside to our fenced yard for multiple potty breaks throughout the day.
Il Mondo che Vorrei di Bonalume Paolo Luca | Via Sant’Omobono, 92 – 29010 | C.F.: BNLPLC67S24F205C | REA: PC – 189077 | Email: info@ilmondochevorrei.info – PEC: paololucabonalume@pec.it | Tel.: +39 347 40 18 724 | Privacy Policy – Termini e condizioni di vendita
IL MONDO CHE VORREI @ 2020 - SIRIUS Web D&D Design & Develop Massimiliano Bottoli - Tel. e Whatsapp: +39 339 4936.280